Collecting Oysters and Memories on Hood Canal
No better plane to explore the only saltwater fjord in the continental United States.
Hood Canal
Contrary to its name, Hood Canal is not a canal. It’s the only salt water fjord in the continental United States, and it offers a unique combination of spectacular scenery and the culinary bounty of the sea. Hood Canal is famous for oysters. They line every square foot of the beach.
Dosewallips. Hama Hama. Quilcene. Dabob Bay. Blue Pool. Each variety of oyster offers a unique taste reflecting the unique water qualities along this 65-mile long natural waterway. And they grow wild. Everywhere.
For those lucky enough to own a Kodiak seaplane in Seattle, it is an urban escape vehicle delivering owners to spectacular lakes and waterways all around the state. One of the most popular is Hood Canal sitting in the shadow of the Olympic Range and connected to the saltwater labyrinth which is Puget Sound.

The Kodiak with Aerocet Carbon Fiber Floats
Designed from the outset for float operation, this seaplane can take off from the water or a runway while preserving unprecedented performance in water operations. The possibilities are endless: Travel to all those out-of-the way lakes and rivers you’ve always longed to visit; haul hunters, fishermen or supplies to those locations that can’t be reached any other way; deliver guests to seaside resorts; or, take business partners to that lakeside meeting.
Every Kodiak seaplane is corrosion-proofed both externally and internally to provide the owner with the best protection and least maintenance cost for their investment, making operations in saltwater environments no problem.
No other aircraft in the world today matches the Kodiak’s seaplane performance, efficiency, safety and cost.

Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward. Drew Houston