Around Australia In Thirty Days: Part One
Come along for an excursion completely around Australia starting with the west coast.
We Took The Leisurely Route For A Better View Of This Amazing Continent
It would be hard to pick a location where the Kodiak performs at its best — Papua New Guinea, Florida, Texas, the Alps, Argentina to Chile over the Andes, or near home in the mountains around our home base of Sandpoint, Idaho — but certainly one of the most perfect excursions was our trip completely around Australia hugging the scenic coast.

The largest coral reef in the world is just off the east coast of Australia and the Whitsunday Islands. With perfect flying conditions, we took our Australia partners, Airflite Ltd, on tour of the Great Barrier Reef and its beautiful inshore islands. With the ability to fly slow and low, the view out of our large windows was unbelievable. Even our Australian hosts were amazed.
Heart Reef is one of those places that is best appreciated from the air in a Kodiak. This unusual coral formation is off-limits to divers because of its protected status, but that has not stopped many couples from confirming their love over this symbolic location.
Next stop is Brisbane and more beautiful vistas to the south . . .

The Perfect Platform For Tour Operators Or Those That Crave An Instant Weekend Escape
Brisbane is just south of the Great Barrier Reef and the jumping off place for many tourists visiting the area. However, the city is a gem with miles of beautiful beaches and a wondrously varied countryside. Once again, there is no beating the scenic views from the Kodiak.
The southern leg of our Australia trip brought us to the Gold Coast near Sydney, Melbourne and Hamilton. As an urban getaway vehicle, the Kodiak is perfect for escapes to that vacation home in the country or commutes between major city centers.
Why drive when you can fly? 10 seats, plenty of room for gear and an 1100 nautical mile range. Add the view, and there's no comparison.