Puerto Rico: A Paradise Coming Back From Destruction
The Quest Kodiak team toured Puerto Rico several months after Hurricane Maria devastated the island.
Puerto Rico
Our Quest team recently had an opportunity to visit Puerto Rico several months after the area was hit by a very destructive hurricane. We are happy to report that things are improving, but there is much left to be done. Many boats and planes in the area were severely damaged or destroyed, which contributes to a drag on the all-important tourism industry.
We hope the versatile and durable Kodiak will find its place within Puerto Rico’s new transportation plans and facilitate economic recovery in this amazing US paradise.

Serving Island Destinations Demands Kodiak Versatility
Our Quest team flew with locals out of San Juan assessing damage to key tourism locations while measuring the Kodiak’s ability to ferry both people and supplies to the remote areas on the island. With its amazingly short takeoff and landing characteristics, this relatively large plane can get into and out of unimproved strips less than 1000 feet long and less than 60 feet wide. This is ideal for servicing Puerto Rico and the many nearby islands, including Antigua, Barbuda, and the US and British Virgin Islands.
Photo: Deon Mitton

Puerto Rico will not only survive this. It will bloom once again. Justice Sonia Sotomayor