Wildlife Protection From An Eye-In-The-Sky
Helping Botswana Save Elephants and Rhinos
NGOs, park services and scientists are increasingly making use of the Kodiak for its ability to fly long distances and loiter at very slow speeds to monitor wildlife and environmental conditions. It has become an economical eye-in-the-sky making measurement and assessment more feasible at a time when we need it most. Kodiaks also being delivered to foreign countries that depend on the health of their eco-tourism. The first of what we hope will be many planes was recently delivered to the government of Botswana for wildlife preservation and anti-poaching work.

September 2016
Throughout the world, countries and companies are making use of the latest in Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Systems. These ISR technologies are used to assess and protect resources. With its long loiter time, the Kodiak is the perfect platform to conduct scientific surveys, support archeological work and study wildlife migrations without the interference of low-flying helicopters. Power companies use advanced ISR to evaluate resources. Parks and forestry services use it to measure the health of public lands and water resources and to direct fire suppression operations. ISR has also become increasingly important to law enforcement, extending that “ thin red line” of deterrence.

In Botswana, the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism is using their newly received Kodiak to monitor wildlife, conduct search and rescue, deliver equipment and, most importantly, deter poaching. According to a recent article in National Geographic, elephant and rhino populations have been decimated by the illegal trade in ivory and horn. Botswana is fighting back. Their government is taking the lead in wildlife protection. Today, about a third of African elephants find refuge in Botswana, and there is a significant rhino sanctuary. With the addition of the Kodiak and ISR capability, Botswana will be in a better position to protect this wildlife and their critically important tourism economy.
ISR stands for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, equipment that is bought and installed after purchase by Kodiak owners.