Skydiving in Brazil
An Elevator To The Sky
If you are running a parachute club, you need a fast, reliable and economical aircraft that can deliver one jumper or a team of parachutists over and over again.
With the addition of special features, like a sliding door, the Kodiak has become the preferred platform for skydiving operations around the world. One of the most notable is the world-famous skydiving center at Boituva, Brazil, not far from São Paulo. Boituva is home to the national skydiving team and several parachute clubs, including Queda Livre Paraquedismo. Queda Livre Paraquedismo uses the Kodiak to serve clients and maximize profits because of its fast turn-around and low operating costs.

Boituva is home to Brazil’s National Skydiving Center (Centro Nacional de Paraquedismo) and located about 116 kilometers from São Paulo. Queda Livre Paraquedismo, which is both a jump club and parachuting school, is one of the best-known parachuting services in the area. Their airplane of choice is the ultra-modern Kodiak that can deliver jumpers to 12,000 feet in minutes. Think of it as an elevator to the sky. This unique performance increases turn-around speed, safety and profits.

The incredible versatility of the Quest Kodiak is no accident. The Kodiak was engineered from the start to be a multi-use platform that can be easily adapted to specialized needs. The ability to make short take off and landings from unimproved strips combined with a powerful engine and strong gear makes this aircraft ideal for many business needs.